Heidelberg University Office Kyoto

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Press release "Universität Heidelberg Opens Liaison Office in Japan" of 15 April 2015

Press release "Universität Heidelberg Opens Liaison Office in Japan" of 09 April 2015



February 7, 2024 – "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture" about art in 15th century Venice


On Friday, February 7, 2025, the first lecture in this year's “Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture” series will take place in Kyoto. On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Rebecca Müller will give an input lecture on a topic from art history. Rebecca Müller is Professor of Medieval Art History at the Institute of European Art History at the University of Heidelberg and her research interests include 15th century painting workshops, particularly in Venice. In her lecture she will focus on artists traveling and artistic transfer using the example of the painter Giovanni d'Alemagna, who worked in Venice and immigrated from the Northern European region. Please refer to the abstract and the poster (in Japanese) for further information.We are glad to welcome Prof. Kayo Hirakawa as discussant this time and also look forward to insights into her research. Kayo Hirakawa is a professor at the Department of Aesthetics and Art History, Division of Philosophy, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University. Her research focuses on the Northern Renaissance and cultural exchange processes between Italian and Northern European art of the 15th and 16th centuries.The lecture is part of the “Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture” series organized by the Kyoto University European Center in Heidelberg and the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK). The lecture language of this event is English.

Date: Friday, February 7, 2025
Start: 18:30 (registration from 18:15)
End: 20:00 (followed by a networking at the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto)
Place: Kyoto University, Yoshida International House (Yoshida South Campus), room 2 (ground floor)

Input lecture: Before Dürer. Giovanni d'Alemagna as a Northern European Painter in Italy
Prof. Dr. Rebecca Müller (Heidelberg University)
More information (in German)

Short lecture and commentary:
Prof. Kayo Hirakawa (Kyoto University)
More information (external link)

Please register via email by Monday, February 3, 2025:
Please note that seats may be limited. The event is organized as an on-site event, but upon request, an online option can be made available.

November 28, 2024 – Lecture: Role-Playing for Climate, Wellbeing, and Transcultural Understanding

Bubbles Eclipse

On Thursday, November 28, 2024, we invite you to a lecture presenting the results of a two-day workshop led by researchers from Heidelberg University Hospital, Kyoto University and Goettingen University. The lecture focuses on learning methods in the form of role-playing games on the topics of climate change, and physical, as well as mental health in a transcultural context. The event is supported by the German Center for Research and Innovation Tokyo (DWIH Tokyo) and the Japanese-German University Alliance HeKKSaGOn, and by the Heidelberg University Office Kyoto (HUOK). For more information about the contents of the workshop please visit the event's website here.
Language of the talk is English.
Registration is required by November 10, 2024 by e-mail to:
Due to the networking event, please indicate any dietary preferences when registering. Please note that places are limited.


Date: Thursday, November 28, 2024
Start: 17.00 pm (registration from 16.45 pm)
End: 19.00 (afterwards: Networking at the HUOK)
Location: Kyoto University, Yoshida International House (Yoshida South Campus), Room 1 (first floor)
Contents: Presentation of the role-play scenarios developed in the workshop (lecture); final discussion and feedback


November 15, 2024 – Why Intellectual Property – An Introduction to German/European and Japanese patent practice


On Friday, November 15, 2024, the HUOK invites you to a workshop on the topic of intellectual property in Japan and Europe. Speakers from a Japanese and a German law firm will introduce the topic and explain the specific steps for applying for a patent. In the second part of the event, the participants will discuss patents based on real cases and the subsequent discussion will give them the opportunity to discuss the topic in more detail and ask individual questions.For further information, please see the program here and the poster of the event here. Language of the event is English.


Topic: Why Intellectual Property - An Introduction to German/European and Japanese patent practice
Date: Friday, November 15, 2024
Start: 5.15 pm (registration from 5.00 pm)
End: 19.00 (afterwards: networking)
Location: Kyoto University, Yoshida International House (Yoshida South Campus), Room 4 (basement)
Dr. J. Felix Grasbon (patent attorney, Grättinger - Möhring - von Poschinger, Germany/alumnus Heidelberg University)
Further information
Kimiaki Nagase (Partner KAI-U, Nagoya/alumnus HeKKSaGOn partner Osaka University)
Further information
Prof. William Baber (Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University)
Further information

Registration for the event is requested if possible by November 11, 2024, by email to:
Please note that places are limited.


November 7, 2024 Workshop: Digitalization and Private International Law

IMG Workshop Waseda

On November 7, 2024, we invite to a workshop on “Digitalization and Perspectives on International Law from Japan and Europe” at Waseda University. The event is organized by the Waseda University Research Center for the Legal System of Intellectual Property (RCLIP), the Institute of Comparative Law (ICL), in cooperation with the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK) and the German House for Research and Innovation (DWIH) Tokyo. Following an input lecture by Dr. Anton Zimmermann (Heidelberg University), Prof. Yusuke Tanemura (Waseda University) will address this topic in the context of his research and invites participants to join the discussion. The event will be held in English. Admission is free, but please register preferably by Friday, November 1, 2024 using this link. For more information on the topics and all speakers and commentators, please see the poster and the detailed program here.


September 30, 2024 – "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture" on perspectives of education in Japan

IMG JL Sept 2014

On Monday, September 30, 2024, a talk on the series „Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture” will be held in Kyoto. Dr. Andreas Eichleter will offer an input lecture on education in Japan in the 1870s. Dr. Eichleter works at the Institute for Japanese Studies, Heidelberg University, and in his research, highlights reformations of the Meiji period and the view on Japan as represented in the media of that time outside of Japan. In his lecture, he will focus on the outside view of education in Japan. For more information, please see the abstract and the poster (in Japanese).
Professor Tomoko Tanaka is invited to enrich the above lecture with her commentary and offer the audience insights into her research. Prof. Tanaka teaches at the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education of the Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University. In her research, she investigates the relationship between schools and local communities, among other topics.
The lecture is part of the series "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture” organized by the Kyoto University European Center (KUEC) in Heidelberg and the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK). Languages of the event are English and Japanese.


Date: Monday, September 30, 2024
Start: 18:30 (registration from 18:15)
End: 20:00 (followed by a networking at the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto)
Place: Kyoto University, Yoshida International House (Yoshida South Campus), room 2 (ground floor)

Input lecture: A Foreign Perspective on Education in Japan – William Griffis and Japanese Educational Reforms in the 1870s
Dr. Andreas Eichleter (Heidelberg University)
More information (in German)

Short lecture and commentary:
Prof. Tomoko Tanaka (Kyoto University)
More information (external link)

Please register via email by Thursday, September 26, 2024:
Please note that seats may be limited. The event is organized as an on-site event, but upon request, an online option can be made available.


June 15 & 16, 2024 – EHEF in Tokyo & Kyoto

Banner EHEF 2024

The European Higher Education Fair (EHEF) 2024 will be held in Tokyo and Kyoto on Saturday, June 15 and Sunday, June 16. Heidelberg University will participate in the fair with a booth on both days represented by the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK). The event is targeted to anyone who might be interested in studying in Europe. For more information, please see the website of the event.


April 11 & 12, 2024 – German Research Fair (online)

German Research Fair 2024

The Heidelberg University Office Kyoto (HUOK) and the Graduate Academy will represent Heidelberg University at the online exhibition “German Research Fair” on April 11 & 12, 2024.
The event is targeted to graduate students, PhD students and Postcocs from Japan, who are interested e.g. in joining a PhD program or learning about research opportunities in Germany. For more information, please see the flyer and the website of the event.


January 30, 2024 – "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture" on private law in Kyoto

IMG JL Zimmermann Jan 2024

The lecture in Kyoto on Tuesdays, January 30 will commence the series “Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture“ in 2024. On this occasion Dr. Anton Zimmermann will give an input lecture on a topic from the field of private law.  Dr. Zimmermann is a researcher at the Institute for Comparative Law, Conflict of Laws and International Business Law (Prof. Marc Weller) at Heidelberg University and currently in addition hold a temporary assistant professorship (substitute of "Juniorprofessur") at JLU Giessen. In his talk, he will elaborate on the topic AI and the concept of freedom of contract in the context of recent developments. For more information please see the abstract and the poster (in Japanese).
We are glad to welcome Prof. Hiroki Habuka as commentator of the above lecture and are looking forward to learn more about the topic related to his own research. Prof. Habuka is research professor at the Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University and engages in several project related to AI.
The lecture is part of the series "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture", organized by the Kyoto University European Center in Heidelberg and the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK). Language of the event is English.

Date: Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Start: 18:30 (registration from 18:15)
End: 20:00 (followed by a networking at the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto)
Place: Kyoto University, Yoshida International House (Yoshida South Campus), room 1 (ground floor) or online
Input lecture: Consensus without will? - Contracts in the age of Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Anton Zimmermann (Universität Heidelberg)
More information

Short lecture and commentary:
Prof. Hiroki Habuka (Kyoto University)
More information (external link)

Please register via email by Friday, January 26, 2024:
Please note that seats may be limited. The event is organized as on-site event. Upon request an online option can be made available.

December Dec 4-5, 2023 – Taking Innovation Abroad


Technology transfer has emerged as the key driver of innovation, acting as the bridge between academic research and practical applications. Join us for the hybrid symposium “Taking Innovation Abroad” (program) oganized by the DWIH Tokyo on December 4-5 in Tokyo, Japan, to learn about the strategies and best practices of technology transfer in Germany and Japan! The event will provide extensive networking opportunities, allowing you to engage with stakeholders from both nations and exchange valuable experiences and ideas. This symposium will be the first step in establishing a platform for exchanging knowledge and fostering closer collaboration in technology transfer between Germany and Japan. The HUOK will be present the on-site event on December 4 and hei_INNOVATION, Heidelberg University's transfer agency, invites to an online workshop on Accelerating “Biomedical Innovation from Lab to Market through Industry-Academia Collaboration”
Register here to participate in Tokyo or online (external link).


June 9, 2023 – Heidelberg-Kyoto Early Career Researchers' Forum on Private and Private International Law

Kyoto ECR

Early Career Researchers from Heidelberg and Kyoto will exchange ideas on Private and Private International Law during another forum on a law-related topics on Friday June 9, 2023. The event is organized by the Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University in cooperation with the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK) and with the support of the German Centre for Research and Innovation Tokyo (DWIH Tokyo). Along with the presenters, several renowned international experts will participate ind the event and enrich the discussion. We cordially invite anyone interested in the topics to join the event and exchange thoughts with the participants.
Language of the event is English. Admission is free of charge however prior registration is required for this event. For more Information, please see the poster here and also the detailed program here.


June 7, 2023 – International Early Career Researcher Forum: “Recent Private Law Developments in Japan and Europe”


On Wednesday, June 7, 2023, the Institute of Comparative Law, School of Law, Waseda University in cooperation with the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK), and with the kind support of the German Centre for Research and Innovation Tokyo (DWIH Tokyo) invite to the International Early Career Researcher Forum on the Topic “Recent Private Law Developments in Japan and Europe” at Waseda University. Active participants are Early Career Researchers and distinguished Professors in Comparative and International Law of Waseda University. From Heidelberg University we are welcoming Prof. Dr. Marc-Philippe Weller, Jun-Prof. Dr. Bettina Rentsch, Dr. Sophia Schwemmer, Alix Schulz, MJur (Oxon), and Dr. Anton Zimmermann to Tokyo.
Language of the event is English. Admission is free of charge and no prior registration is required. For more Information, please see the poster here and also the detailed program here.


April 27, 2023 – German Research Fair (online)

IMG German Reserach Fair 2

The Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK) will represent Heidelberg University at the online event “German Research Fair” organized by the DWIH Tokyo on April 27, 2023.
The event is targeted to graduate students, PhD students and PostDocs from Japan, who are interested e.g. in joining a PhD program or learning about research opportunities in Germany. For more information please see the flyer and the website of the event here.


December 13, 2022 – "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture" in Kyoto​​


The series „Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture“ will - after a break due to the pandemic - restart with a lecture of Professor Peter Comba, “Seniorprofessor“ Institute for Inorganic Chemistry, Heidelberg University in Kyoto on Tuesday, December 13, 2022. In his input lecture, Professor Comba will address the significance of topics such as science communication and transfer, using examples from metal ion chemistry. Title of his lecture is "Curiosity-driven fundamental science, innovation and transfer. Examples from metal ion based chemistry". For more information please see the abstract and the poster. During this Joint Lecture two commentators will respond to Professor Comba’s lecture and invite the audience to join the discussion. We are glad to welcome Distinguished Professor Susumu Kitagawa, director of the Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Science (ICeMS), Institute for Advanced Study, Kyoto University and Professor Hiroshi Kitagawa, Solid State Chemistry Lab, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University.
The lecture is part of the series "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture", organized by the Kyoto University European Center in Heidelberg and the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK). Language of the event is English.


Date: Tuesday December 13, 2022
Start: 18:30 (registration from 18:15) JST
End: 20:00
Place: Kyoto University, Yoshida International House (Yoshida South Campus), room 5 (B1 floor) or online
Input lecture: Curiosity-driven fundamental science, innovation and transfer. Examples from metal ion based chemistry
Prof. Dr. Peter Comba (Heidelberg University)
More information

Short lecture and commentary:
Prof. Susumu Kitagawa, PhD (Kyoto University) & Professor Hiroshi Kitagawa, PhD (Kyoto University)
More information (external link)
Prof. Hiroshi Kitagawa, PhD (Kyoto University)
More information (external link)

If participating on-site, please register via email by Monday, December 12, 2022:
Please note that seats on-site are limited.

To receive a link for online access, please also register via email.


November 2,  2022 Lecture with Discussion “The Sketch Map Tool Integrating local knowledge into flood risk management” (hybrid)


​On Wednesday, November 2, 2022, Dr. Carolin Klonner, Postdoc at the Chair of GIScience, Institute of Geography Heidelberg University will give a lecture in Kyoto. For more information about the topic, please see the abstract here. The lecture will be accompanied by a short lecture and commentary by Dr. Tomohiro Tanaka, Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies (GSGES) and L-Insight Fellow, Kyoto University. The talk is organized by Heidelberg University Office Kyoto (HUOK) in conjunction with the L-Insight x HeKKSaGOn Spin-off Program and is also a satellite event-of this year’s 3rd trilateral symposium on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Language of the event is English.


Date: Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Start: 18:30 (registration from 18:15) JST
End: 20:00
Place: Kyoto University, Yoshida International House (Yoshida South Campus), room 6 (B1 floor) or online

Lecture: The Sketch Map Tool - Integrating local knowledge into flood risk management
Dr. Carolin Klonner (Heidelberg University)
More information

Short lecture and commentary:
Dr. Tomohiro Tanaka (Kyoto University)
More information (external website)

If participating on-site, please register via email by November 1, 2022:
Please note that seats on-site are limited.

To receive a link for online access, please also register via above email address.


October 13, 2021 Lecture and expert discussion “Sustainable urban innovation in Japan and Germany“ (online)



For this online-event on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 we will invite the mayor of Heidelberg city, Prof. Würzner to elaborate in an input lecture on examples of innovative projects in Heidelberg and to discuss with researchers in related fields from Japan and Germany about aspects of innovation, sustainability and the demand of a changing society towards urban spaces.
The event is organized by the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK) in cooperation with the German Science and Innovation Forum (DWIH) Tokyo and with the support of Heidelberg city. Language of the event are Japanese and English (simultaneous interpretation will be provided).

For a video of the event, please see here (YouTube).


Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Time: 18:00 – 19:00 (Japan time)

Input lecture: Heidelberg: Sustainable city of the future
Prof. Dr. Eckart Würzner
More information (external website)

Comments and discussion on the central question:
What urban spaces do changing societies and working structures require?

Prof. Yukiko Uchida (Kyoto University)
Central research topics: happiness and urban quality of life among others
More information (external website)

Philipp Schulz (Urban Office of Heidelberg University)
Central research topics:: Sharing Economy, aspects of digitization and climate action
More information

Prof. Waro Kishi (Architect/Kyoto University of The Arts; em. Kyoto Institute of Technology and Kyoto University)
More information (external website)

To receive an access link (Zoom) for the event, please register via email to the HUOK by Monday, October 11, 2021 via below email address:


February 17, 2020 Mini-Symposium “Energy Transitions in Japan and Germany – Policies, Perceptions, and Practices” Tokyo (Odaiba)

Shutterstock 796560928 C Metamorworks Web Credit

The mini-symposium (flyer PDF) addresses societal questions and, in addition, explores technological approaches of energy transition in Japan and Germany. Invited speakers are renowned researchers from leading universities in Japan, and representatives of the Heidelberg Centre for the Environment (HCE) at Heidelberg University.
Organizer of the event is the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK) in cooperation with the German Centre for Research and Innovation Tokyo (DWIH Tokyo) and with the cooperation of the Miraikan. The symposium is held in connection with the exhibition “energie.wenden (energy transitions)” at the Miraikan – The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation. The event is supported by the German-Japanese Universities Alliance (HeKKSaGOn), and the Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE).
For a tentative program (subject to change) please see here (PDF).

Confirmed speakers:

Session I:

Maximilian Jungmann (Heidelberg University) profile (PDF)

National and international drivers and barriers to energy transitions – What influences political decisions on energy policies in Germany?
Abstract (PDF)

Yohei Yamaguchi (Osaka University) profile (PDF)
How do energy transitions deviate from historical technology trends? Insights from a technical CO2 reduction potential study on the Japanese building sector.
Abstract (PDF)

Timo Goeschl (Heidelberg University)
The role of households in energy transitions – Can we open the black box of household behavior?
Abstract (PDF)

Session II:

Keiichi N. Ishihara (Kyoto University)
The role of Electric Vehicles (EV) to promote Photovoltaic (PV) installation in Kyushu
Toward reducing the total power generation cost.

Abstract (PDF)

Klaus Pfeilsticker (Heidelberg University)
Local energy concepts, based on energy savings, energy efficiency and renewable energies (3E): Some examples
Abstract (PDF)

Noriyoshi Tsuchiya (Tohoku University)
Creating novel values around energy and geothermal energy in Japan.
Abstract (PDF)

Start: 13.00 (registration from 12.30)
End: 17.00
Venue: Miraikan – The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, Conference Room Saturn (7th floor)
Participation: Free
*To see the permanent exhibition an admission fee is required.
Language: Japanese and English (with simultaneous interpretation)

Please register via email at the HUOK by February 10, 2020:

On-site registration is possible (registration desk from 12:30), but please be aware that places are limited.


February 14, 2020 – "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture" in Kyoto

Img Jl Feb 2020

The first lecture in the series "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture" this year will be held on February 14, 2020 in Kyoto. This time, Maximilian Jungmann (profile), executive manager of the Heidelberg Centres for the Environment at Heidelberg University will give a talk on Sustainable Development Goals with focus on the opportunities and challenges of coastal regions and the drivers and barriers of mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
Comments on this lecture will be delivered assistant professor Bahareh Kamranzad (profile, external website). She is currently conducting research at the Hakubi Center for Advanced Research of Kyoto University. She focuses on renewable energies with a focus on climate protection and wave energy and works with climate modelling and its utilization.

The lecture is part of the series "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture", organized by the Kyoto University European Center in Heidelberg and the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK). Language of the event is English.

Start: 18:15 (Registration from 18:00)
End: 19:45
Venue: Kyoto University, Yoshida International House (Yoshida South Campus), Room 2 (ground floor)

For more information please see the abstract, the poster and the detailed announcement (in Japanese).

Please register by Wednesday, February 12, 2019 at:


December 4, 2019 – "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture" in Kyoto

Img Jl Dec 2019

The next event of the series "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture" will commence on Wednesday, December 4, 2019 in Kyoto. Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Ganslandt’s talk will focus on digital health and address the topics data acquisition and utilization. Prof. Ganslandt is Executive Director of the Heinrich-Lanz Centre for Digital Health and head of the Department for Biomedical Informatics, Heidelberg University (Medical Faculty Mannheim. Title of his lecture is "Leveraging Clinical Data for Research: The MIRACUM Consortium in the German Medical Informatics Initiative". For more information about Prof. Ganslandt, please see the short profile here and the website of the Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University (in German) here.
Comments on this lecture will be delivered by Prof. Tomohiro Kuroda, Ph.D. of the  Institute for Medical Informatics, Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University (short profile). For more information about Prof. Kuroda, please see here.

The lecture is part of the series "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture", organized by the Kyoto University European Center in Heidelberg and the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK). Language of the event is English.

Start: 18:15 (Registration from 18:00)
End: 19:45
Venue: Kyoto University, Yoshida International House (Yoshida South Campus), Room 4 (B1 floor)

For more information please see the abstract, the poster and the detailed announcement (in Japanese).

Please register by Monday, December 2, 2019 at:


July 2, 2019 – Follow-up Event "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture": Short Talk in Kyoto


The short talk is connected to a lecture in the series „Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture“ jointly organized by the liaison offices of Kyoto University and Heidelberg University. The talk with Associate Professors Dr. Shinoto (Heidelberg University) and Dr. Makoto Tomii (Center for Studies of Cultural Heritage and Interdisciplinary Humanities, Kyoto University) took place in Mai 2018 and sparked the idea of moving an artefact of the archeological site that has been discovered during the construction of the building back to its origin.
On the occasion of the arrival of this haniwa-object at one of the showcases at Yoshida International House Dr. Tomii topic:
“Haniwa at Yoshida International House: A house-shaped proto-historic clay artefact from beneath our feet”

Start: 16:30 (Registration from 16:20)
End: 16:55
Venue: Kyoto University, Yoshida International House (Yoshida South Campus), Room 1 (ground floor)

For more information please see the poster of the event.

Registration is not necessary.

For inquiries please contact:


March 28, 2019 – "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture" in Kyoto

Img Jl Yamamoto Crop

The lecture “Passport regulations and the cross-border mobility in the Japanese empire” by Takahiro Yamamoto, PhD, on March 28, 2019 is next in the series "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture". Takahiro Yamamoto is Assistant Professor at the chair for Cultural Economic History at the Cluster of Excellence „Asia and Europe”, Heidelberg University (profile). His research on, among other interests, nineteenth-century century Japanese history, focuses on connections across national boundaries. The lecture includes aspects of his current research on the development of Japan’s passport system.
Dr. Lyle De Souza (short profile), researcher at the Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University will offer comments in the lecture. The series "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture" is jointly organized by the Kyoto University European Center in Heidelberg and the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK). The lecture will be held in Japanese and the commentary will be conducted in English.

Start: 18:15 (Registration from 18:00)
End: 19:45
Venue: Kyoto University, Yoshida International House (Yoshida South Campus), Room 1 (ground floor)

For more information please see the abstract, the poster and the detailed announcement (in Japanese)

Please register by Tuesday, March 26, 2019 at:


October 26, 2018 – "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture" in Kyoto


The lecture series "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture" continues with a talk by Prof. Dr. Hans Martin Krämer on Friday, October 26, 2018 in Kyoto on the topic „The Western Origins of Modern Japanese Buddhism: An Aspect of the History of Exchanges between Japan and Europe in the Nineteenth Century”. Hans Martin Krämer is professor at the Institute for Japanese Studies at the Center for East Asian Studies, Heidelberg University. His research focuses on modern Japanese History and he recently explores aspects in international exchange of Japanese Buddhists which he will also address in this lecture. For more information please see the respective short profile.
Dr. Yutaka Tanigawa (short profile), associate professor at the Graduate School of Letters (Division of History), Kyoto University will act as commentator for this lecture. The series "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture" is jointly organized by the Kyoto University European Center in Heidelberg and the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK). Language of the event is Japanese.

Start: 18:30 (Registration from 18:15)
End: 20:00
Venue: Kyoto University, Yoshida International House (Yoshida South Campus), Room 1 (ground floor)

For more information please see the abstract, the poster (in Japanese) and the detailed announcement (in Japanese)

Please register by Tuesday, October 23, 2018 at:


May 10, 2018 – "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture" in Kyoto


On Thursday, May 10, 2018, Associate Professor Maria Shinoto, who is teaching at the Institute of Prehistory, Protohistory and Near-Eastern Archaeology at Heidelberg University with give a lecture with the title "Japan's southernmost Sue ware pottery center: Recent excavations and interdisciplinary research in the kiln site cluster at Nakadake Sanroku, Kagoshima". Prof. Shinoto will present the latest results of this project and address the new research method "agile research design". Prof. Makoto Tomii (Kyoto University) will offer comments on the topic. The lecture is part of the series "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture", organized by the Kyoto University European Center in Heidelberg and the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK). Language of the event is Japanese.

Start: 18:15 (Registration from 18:00)
End: 19:45
Venue: Kyoto University, Yoshida International House (Yoshida South Campus), Room 1 (ground floor)

For more information please see the abstract, the poster (in Japanese) and the detailed announcement (in Japanese).

Please register by Monday, May 7, 2018 at:


April 14, 2018 - "Heidelberg Lecture" with Prof. Kruse


On Saturday, April 14, 2018, the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK) invites to the first "Heidelberg Lecture" in Japan, a lecture series that presents talks by well-known researchers from Heidelberg University.
To the initial lecture of this series, we welcome Prof. Kruse (Department of Gerontology, Heidelberg) to Kyoto. In his talk with piano accompaniment titled "Creative Ageing in Different Countries and Cultures - What we can learn from Biology, Medicine and Cultural Anthropology" Prof. Kruse will address the biological, physical and cognitive vulnerabilities of aging and possibilities of prevention, compensation and rehabilitation. His talk will focus on the psychological and mental strengths of old age and their potential for the society and introduce ideas of man and age of Japan and Germany (poster attached).
Prof. Kruse is head of the Department of Gerontology, Heidelberg University and a highly renowned researcher in his field. He is chairing in the commission of experts for issuing  the aging reports to the government and the parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany and vice chairman of the German ethics commission. For more information, please also visit the website of the department for Gerontology (in German) here.

Start: 14:00 (registration from 13:30)
End: 15:45
Venue: Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, International Science Innovation Building (Symposium Hall), Building No. 69 (Campus Map)

For more information, please also see the lecture's abstract and poster (in Japanese).

Language of the event is German with simultaneous translation into Japanese. Please register at:


February 6, 2018 – "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture" in Kyoto


On Tuesday, February 6, 2018, Prof. Sliwka (Heidelberg University) will continue the joint lecture series of both liaison office, with a lecture in Kyoto. Again, this lecture is jointly organized by the Kyoto University European Center, Heidelberg Office and the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK). In her lecture, Prof. Sliwka will address current developments in 21. century learning and present findings of her current research at schools in Japan. The focus of her lecture will be on the impact of innovative learning environments on the implementation of new learning concepts. A commentary on the lecture will be offered by Prof. Terumasa Ishii (Kyoto University). Again, we invite the participants to continue their discussion during an informal get-together at the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK) after the lecture. The event will be held in German and Japanese (consecutive translation by a student provided).

Start: 18:15 (Registration from 18:00)
End: 19:45
Venue: Kyoto University, Yoshida International House (Yoshida South Campus), Room 1 (ground floor)

For more information on the contents of the lecture please see the abstract in English and also the detailed program (PDF) and the poster (PDF) (in Japanese).

Please register by Thursday, February 1, 2018 at:


November 7,  2017 – "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture" in Kyoto

Img Jl Schulz Nov 2017 Source

On Tuesday, November 7, 2017, we will welcome Prof. Evelyn Schulz (LMU München) in Kyoto. She will give a lecture in the joint series of the Kyoto University European Center, Heidelberg Office and the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK). Prof. Schulz is Alumna of Heidelberg University and teaches at the Japan-Center of LMU. The lecture will address questions about the “slow movement” in contemporary Japanese society and will be wrapped up with a commentary by Prof. Mariko Yoshida (Kyoto University). As always, the participants are invited to continue the discussion during an informal get-together at the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK) after the lecture. The event will be held in Japanese.

Start: 18:15 (Registration from 18:00)
End: 19:45
Venue: Kyoto University, Yoshida International House (Yoshida South Campus), Room 1 (ground floor)

Please register by Thursday November 2 at:

For more information please also see the detailed program (PDF) and the poster (PDF) (in Japanese).


July 7, 2017 – "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture" in Heidelberg

One Friday, July 7, 2017, Prof. Toshihiko Kishi (Kyoto University) will give a lecture on Change and Dissolution of the Concept "Post-War Period" in Japan at Heidelberg University. The lecture is organized within the series “Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture,” a cooperative program of the Kyoto University European Center, Heidelberg Office, and the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK). This time, Takuma Melber (Heidelberg University) will offer comments on the talk. The lecture will be given in Japanese, with consecutive translation by students.

Start: 6 pm
End: 8 pm
Venue: Carl-Jaspers-Centre, room 212, Voßstraße 2, building 4400, 69115 Heidelberg

Registration requested at:

For more information please visit the website of the Kyoto University European Center, Heidelberg Office (Japanese/English):

April 19, 2017 – "Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture" in Kyoto

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On Wednesday, April 19, 2017, Prof. Harald Fuess (Heidelberg University) will give a lecture on endemic violence, global arms trade and the Meiji-restoration from a global historical perspective with focus on Japan. The talk is part of a joint lecture series, organized by the Kyoto University European Center Heidelberg Office, and the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK). Prof. Naoto Kagotani (Kyoto University) will be offering comments on the talk. The participants are invited to continue the discussion with snacks and beverages at the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK). Language of the event is Japanese.

Start: 6:15 pm (Registration from 6:00 pm)
End: 7:45 pm
Venue: Kyoto University, Yoshida International House (Yoshida South Campus), lecture room 1 (ground floor)

Registration required:

For more information, please see the detailed programme (PDF) and the poster (PDF) (in Japanese).


March 10, 2017 – Lecture by the Secretary General of the German Research Foundation (DFG) in Kyoto

German research policies will be the topic of a lecture, organized by Kyoto University, and the German Research Foundation (DFG), in cooperation with the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK).
In her talk on „The Future of the German Research System“ the DFG Secretary General Dorothee Dzwonnek will address the latest developments of the Excellence Strategy.
We cordially invite scholars, scientists, professionals, and also students who are interested in research cooperation with Germany to attend.
The event will be conducted in German and Japanese (simultaneous interpretation). Please consult the website of the DFG-Office Japan for more information.


February 22, 2017 – Joint Lecture in Heidelberg on the Japanese I-Novel and “Otaku”-Culture

Based on the close cooperation between Kyoto University and Heidelberg University, the Kyoto University European Center, Heidelberg Office, and the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK), organize a joint lecture series with venues in Kyoto and Heidelberg. The series opened in December with a lecture in Kyoto and now Prof. Ōura (Kyoto University) will give a talk on literary theory and Japanese culture in Heidelberg. Participants are invited to gather for networking with small snacks after the lecture. The event will be held in English. For more information please consult the Heidelberg Office’s website:

On February 20, from 1 pm – 6pm, the Institute for Japanese Studies, Heidelberg University, will host a workshop on Japanese literary studies with scholars from Japan and representatives of Japanese Studies from Germany. The workshop will be conducted in Japanese. For details please see here:


December 20, 2016 – Introduction of a joint lecture series

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On Tuesday, December 20, 2016, Prof. Judit Arokay (Heidelberg University) will introduce a joint lecture series organized by the Kyoto University European Center, Heidelberg Office, and the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK) with her talk on the Japanese language reception of Western literature. The lecture will focus on the romaji-translation of Wilhelm Busch’s “Max und Moritz”. Dr. Irina Holca (Kyoto University) will wrap up the lecture and open the floor for discussions. Language of the event is Japanese.

Start: 6:15 pm (Registration from 6:00 pm)
End: 7:45 pm
Venue: Kyoto University, Yoshida International House (Yoshida South Campus), lecture room 2 (ground floor)

Registration required:

For more information, please see the detailed programme (PDF) and the poster (PDF) (in Japanese).


April 16&17, 2015 – HeKKSaGOn Conference at Tohoku University

“The 4th German-Japanese University President’s Conference ‘Building venues for the creation of new knowledge and values’” brought together the presidents, researchers and administrative staff, active in the Japanese-German university consortium at Tohoku University, Sendai. The close cooperation between three Japanese and three German Universities established in 2010 strengthened the partnership between the initiating Universities- Heidelberg and Kyoto. This collaboration created a network that fosters bi- and multilateral exchanges in research and links the universities to increase the mobility of staff, technology, and knowledge. The meeting in Sendai informed about current achievements in research and the participants discussed strategies and future challenges. The presidents signed an updated memorandum stating agreements on the concepts of continuing this fruitful alliance.


April 14, 2015 – Festive opening of Heidelberg University Office Kyoto

After the president and his counterpart from Kyoto University, Prof. Juichi Yamagiwa, had traditionally cut a ribbon with further representatives of the German-Japanese cooperative relations, the liaison office was officially inaugurated.

Opening Office Kyoto
From left to right.: Heidelberg's Mayor Dr. Eckart Würzner, President of Kyoto University Prof. Juichi Yamagiwa, President of Heidelberg University Prof. Bernhard Eitel, Consul General of Osaka-Kobe Dr. Ingo Karsten, Director of University Policy of the City of Kyoto Makoto Ueda
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Latest Revision: 2025-01-10
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